Yergeau, Nicol, Adams & Dürst — Internationalisation d'HTML
- [BRYAN88]
- M. Bryan,
SGML — An Author's Guide to the Standard Generalized
Markup Language
, Addison-Wesley, Reading, 1988.
- [ERCS]
- Extended Reference Concrete Syntax for SGML.
- [GOLD90]
- C. F. Goldfarb,
The SGML Handbook
, Y. Rubinsky, Ed., Oxford
University Press, 1990.
- [HTTP-1.1]
- R.T. Fielding, H. Frystyk Nielsen, and T. Berners-Lee,
Transfer Protocol — HTTP/1.1
, RFC 2068, Janvier 1997.
- [ISO-639]
- ISO 639:1988. Norme internationale — Codes pour la représentation des noms de langue.
Contenu technique in
- [ISO-8859-1]
- ISO 8859. Norme internationale — Traitement de l'information — Jeux
de caractères graphiques codés sur un seul octet à 8 élément — Partie 1 :
Alphabet latin No. 1 (1987) — Partie 2 : Alphabet latin No. 2 (1987) —
Partie 3 : Alphabet latin No. 3 (1988) — Partie 4 : Alphabet latin No.
4 (1988) — Partie 5 : Alphabet latin/cyrillique (1988) — Partie 6 :
Alphabet latin/arabe (1987) — Partie 7 : Alphabet latin/grec (1987) —
Partie 8 : Alphabet latin/hébreu (1988) — Partie 9 : Alphabet latin No.
5 (1989) — Partie 10 : Alphabet latin No. 6 (1992)
- [ISO-8879]
- ISO 8879:1986. Norme internationale — Traitement de l'information —
Texte et systèmes de bureautique — Langage normalisé de balisage généralisé (SGML).
- [ISO-10646]
- ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993. Norme internationale — Technologie de l'information
— Jeu universel de caractères codés sur plusieurs octets (JUC) — Partie
1 : Architecture et plan multilingue de base.
- G.T. Nicol,
The Multilingual World Wide Web
, Electronic Book
Technologies, 1995,
- [NICOL2]
- G.T. Nicol,
MIME Header Supplemented File Type
, Travail en cours,
EBT, October 1995.
- [RFC1345]
- K. Simonsen,
Character Mnemonics & Character Sets
, RFC 1345,
Rationel Almen Planlaegning, June 1992.
- [RFC1468]
- J. Murai, M. Crispin and E. van der Poel,
Japanese Character Encoding
for Internet Messages
, RFC 1468, Keio University, Panda Programming,
June 1993.
- [RFC2045]
- Freed, N., and N. Borenstein,
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
(MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies
, RFC 2045, Innosoft,
First Virtual, November 1996.
- [RFC1641]
- D. Goldsmith, M.Davis,
Using Unicode with MIME
, RFC 1641,
Taligent inc., July 1994.
- [RFC1642]
- D. Goldsmith, M. Davis,
UTF-7: A Mail-safe Transformation Format
of Unicode
, RFC 1642, Taligent inc., July 1994.
- [RFC1738]
- T. Berners-Lee, L. Masinter, and M. McCahill,
Uniform Resource
Locators (URL)
, RFC 1738, CERN, Xerox PARC, University of Minnesota,
October 1994.
- [RFC1766]
- H. Alverstrand,
Tags for the Identification of Languages
1766, UNINETT, March 1995.
- [RFC1866]
- T. Berners-Lee and D. Connolly,
Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0
RFC 1866, MIT/W3C, November 1995.
- [RFC1867]
- E. Nebel and L. Masinter,
Form-based File Upload in HTML
1867, Xerox Corporation, November 1995.
- [RFC1942]
- D. Raggett,
HTML Tables
, RFC 1942, W3C, May 1996.
- [RFC2068]
- Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frystyk, H., and T. Berners-Lee,
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
— HTTP/1.1
, RFC 2068, January 1997.
- [SQ91]
- SoftQuad,
The SGML Primer
, 3rd ed., SoftQuad Inc., 1991.
- Toshihiro Takada,
Multilingual Information Exchange through the
World-Wide Web
, Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Vol. 27, No. 2,
Nov. 1994 , p. 235-241.
- [TEI]
- TEI Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange.
- The Unicode Consortium,
The Unicode Standard — Worldwide
Character Encoding — Version 1.0
, Addison-Wesley, Volume 1, 1991,
Volume 2, 1992, and Technical Report #4, 1993. L'algorithme BIDI est dans
l'appendice A du volume 1, avec des corrections dans l'appendice D du volume 2.
- [UTF-8]
- ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993 AMENDMENT 2 (1996). UCS Transformation Format
8 (UTF-8).
- [VANH90]
- E. van Hervijnen,
Practical SGML
, Kluwer Academicq Publishers
Group, Norwell and Dordrecht, 1990.